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 “Just to be Loved,” book!

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“Just to be Loved,” book! Empty
PostSubject: “Just to be Loved,” book!   “Just to be Loved,” book! Icon_minipostedNovember 20th 2007, 4:05 pm

Quote :
Receive Inspiration
Receive an inspirational publication that brings you closer to God and helps guide you on your spiritual path.
“Just to Be Loved”: In Celebration of Sharing Life With Pets
These true stories of God’s creatures will touch your heart. More than just pets, animals can be loving companions with whom we share our lives and our love. The title, “Just to be Loved,” is taken from James Dillet Freeman’s poem “She Lets Us Love Her,” which also appears in the booklet.

This does come~ Razz
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“Just to be Loved,” book! Empty
PostSubject: Re: “Just to be Loved,” book!   “Just to be Loved,” book! Icon_minipostedNovember 20th 2007, 5:06 pm

Nice post. Thanks
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“Just to be Loved,” book! Empty
PostSubject: Re: “Just to be Loved,” book!   “Just to be Loved,” book! Icon_minipostedJanuary 1st 2008, 9:21 pm

Thank You!

Your free booklet “Just to Be Loved”: In Celebration of Sharing Life With Pets will be mailed to you and should arrive in the next few days.

Thank you for giving Unity a chance to support you on your spiritual journey this year. God’s blessings of peace and prosperity to you from your friends at Unity.

God bless you!
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“Just to be Loved,” book! Empty
PostSubject: Re: “Just to be Loved,” book!   “Just to be Loved,” book! Icon_miniposted

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