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 Freebie posting~please read

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Freebie posting~please read Empty
PostSubject: Freebie posting~please read   Freebie posting~please read Icon_minipostedDecember 1st 2007, 10:25 pm


We appreciate those of you who spend so much time finding and posting freebies here at Modern World. If not your all of you, we wouldn't have such a large variety of free stuff to choose from.

We just have one little favor to ask of you regarding posting:

Before you post a freebie, please check in the search area to make sure it has not already been posted on another page recently. We have run into several reposts lately and just want to make sure we're not reposting a freebie that someone else posted yesterday or the day before. That way there's room for more freebies!

Us admins. are quite guilty of reposting too, so please be patient with us. As we will allow the same for you.

Modern World does not want to discourage you from posting and we would be lost without your help, truly!

Thankyou and happy freebie posting/hunting~
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