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 HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB

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3 posters
Modern Advisor
Modern Advisor

Number of posts : 1619
Registration date : 2007-11-14

Positive Reputation:
HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB Left_bar_bleue2020/100000HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB Empty_bar_bleue  (2020/100000)
Negative Repuation:
HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB #FF0E0E0/500HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB #FF0E0E  (0/500)

HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB Empty
PostSubject: HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB   HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB Icon_minipostedDecember 25th 2007, 9:38 am

HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper - Sam’s Club

Size plays an important role when choosing the right diaper for your precious new arrival. HUGGIES® is pleased to announce a new size of HUGGIES® Snug & Dry Diapers. Step 1-2 is sized just right for new babies 8-15 lbs.

No membership # needed.
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PostSubject: Re: HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB   HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB Icon_minipostedJanuary 19th 2008, 10:35 am

Fill out this form to receive a free Huggies sample. Limit one sample per household. You must be 18 or older to submit personal information or request a sample — please see our Terms of Use.
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Modern Friend
Modern Friend

Number of posts : 118
Age : 54
Location : cleaning up poo
Registration date : 2008-01-14

Positive Reputation:
HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB Left_bar_bleue100/1000HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB Empty_bar_bleue  (100/1000)
Negative Repuation:
HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB #FF0E0E0/0HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB #FF0E0E  (0/0)

HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB Empty
PostSubject: Re: HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB   HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB Icon_minipostedJanuary 19th 2008, 11:40 am

Thank you!
Please allow up to four weeks for your complimentary sample to arrive in your mailbox. In the event that there is a delay in shipping your sample, we may notify you by the E-mail address provided.
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Modern Friend
Modern Friend

Number of posts : 135
Age : 54
Location : out there
Registration date : 2008-01-14

Positive Reputation:
HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB Left_bar_bleue40/0HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB Empty_bar_bleue  (40/0)
Negative Repuation:
HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB #FF0E0E0/0HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB #FF0E0E  (0/0)

HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB Empty
PostSubject: Re: HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB   HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB Icon_minipostedJanuary 19th 2008, 11:42 am

We're Sorry! But according to our records you have already ordered this sample.
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PostSubject: Re: HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB   HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB Icon_miniposted

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HUGGIES® Step 1-2 Diaper...SAM S CLUB
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