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 Maker’s Mark Address Labels

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Modern Advisor
Modern Advisor

Number of posts : 1619
Registration date : 2007-11-14

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Maker’s Mark Address Labels Empty
PostSubject: Maker’s Mark Address Labels   Maker’s Mark Address Labels Icon_minipostedMarch 5th 2008, 5:22 am

Maker’s Mark Address Labels

Sign up to become an ambassador and receive a set of address labels. Please feel free to wander around and then be sure to fill out the form so you can get started.

Our mamas always taught us to say thank you when someone did us a favor. So thank you for taking the time to sign up as an Ambassador and become one of the elite few to have their names placed on a barrel of Maker’s Mark.
We’ll be adding your name to the next available barrel as soon as possible. Just know that this can take up to a year to happen. (Please don’t send me hate mail. If that seems like a long time and you want someone to blame, blame the ingredients. They’re the ones who take so long before they’re ready.)
Anyway, soon, you should receive an e-mail confirming your application as an Ambassador.
Included in this e-mail will be a temporary password to get you into the Embassy, our Ambassadors-Only portion of the Web site. Make sure you visit the Embassy sometime soon and change your password. The temporary password will not work for long.
While you wait for your e-mail, why not take a short tour of our Web site by clicking here.
Once again, thanks for stopping and for thinking enough of us to become an Ambassador and have your name placed on one of our barrels.

Bill Samuels, Jr.
President & Ambassador-At-Large,
Maker’s Mark Distillery
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Maker’s Mark Address Labels Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maker’s Mark Address Labels   Maker’s Mark Address Labels Icon_minipostedMarch 15th 2008, 9:24 pm

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